Libri e Articoli consigliati:

  1. Cornell AW: The Power of Focusing. Hyperion, 1996
  2. Friedman N: On Focusing. Porter Square Press, 1994
  3. Friedman N: Focusing: Selected Essays 1974-1999. Xlibris Corp, 2000.
  4. Gendlin, ET: Focusing. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice. 6 (1), 4-15, 1969
  5. Gendlin ET: Focusing. New York, Bantam Books, 1981
  6. Gendlin ET: Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy: A Manual of the Experiential method. New York, The Guilford Press, 1996
  7. Gendlin ET: The First Step of Focusing Provides a Superior Stress Reduction Method. Focusing Folio. 18(1) 1999
  8. Grindler Katonah D: Focusing Folio 18 (1), 1996-1997
  9. Hinterkopf E: Integrating Spirituality in Counseling: A Manual for Using the Experiential Focusing Method. Alexandria, VA, American Counseling Association, 1998
  10. Hammon F, Gehlert S and Elsen M: Abstract. Focusing Folio, 15 (2), 1996-1997
  11. Iberg J : Focusing. In Corsini R (ed): Handbook of Innovative Psychotherapy. New York, Wiley, 1981
  12. Klagsbrun J: Focusing, Illness, and Health Care. Focusing Folio 18(1), 1999
  13. Lutgendorf S, Antoni MH, Kumar M, et al: Changes in Cognitive Coping Strategies Predict EBV-Antibody Titre Change following a Stressor Disclosure Induction. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 38(1), 1994
  14. Rogers CR and Meader B: Person Centered Therapy. In Corsini (ed): Current Psychotherapies. Itasca, F.E. Peacock, 1979
  15. Stapert e Verliefde, Il Focusing e i bambini, Edizioni Crisalide, 2008
  16. Ann Weiser Cornell. Focusing. Il potere della focalizzazione nella vita e nella pratica terapeutica, Edizioni Crisalide,1996
  17. Inbal Kashtan, Genitori a portata di cuore. Condividere i doni dell’empatia, della connessione e della scelta, Esserci Edizioni, 2013
  18. Vilma Costetti, A scuola come esseri umani [non come sedie], Esserci Edizioni,2004
  19. Carl R. Rogers, Un modo di Essere, Edizioni Giunti, 2012
  20. C.Lazzari, P.Costigliola Guida alla comunicazione tra medico e paziente Pitagora, Editrice Bologna
  21. La libreria on line di Gendlin: